Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's been more than 8 months since i've thought of posting again. Been kinda busy with work. I thought of blogging again as i'm reading a book about Women as Winners. It has so many realization after reading a chapter. I might begin to write more about that and post it here. It's a good feeling i suppose as a book can help you through the realization of life.

I also read "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. It's a good book and after i have read it, i have totally grasped the SECRET! Huh! What a suspense for a secret. Hahaha! Well, after what i read and learned, i applied it immediately as if to test the validity of the secret. It works! It's like a magnet pulling all the energy and the things that i wanted and when i needed it. Not to exaggerate things but i was thinking about a property which i like. Although, i have second thoughts as to where am i going to get a huge sum of money to buy the property but it all comes like a mushroom in a field.

As soon as i read it, i began to think of a house. This particular property is the one i pictured in my mind for each and every single day that i think of a house for my family. I even looked at the net for a design of a house and it struck me that after i've printed every plan, it was shaped or rather it was planned according to the boundaries of the house that i want! As i'm thinking about it though, i don't have enough money to buy it but in a period of one month, i bought the house. The house is now mine! The owner of the house told me that a buyer approached her a few weeks before i inquired and she told me that that buyer wanted to buy the house in cash but she didn't let the buyer have it. As soon as she saw me, she told me that she's willing to give into my terms and she told me that she feels her house is for me. I had the terms on a fifty percent down payment and the rest is payable on a monthly basis in one year! Isn't that a great deal?

I'm thinking now of a design of my house and i'm seriously thinking about it to the point that i imagined and desired each single detail of my house. It was a hard task. I had headaches sometimes but the fulfillment that i feel is worth it. I know i'll be able to build my dream house...not someday...but i'll build my dream house this May 2009 and i'll be able to finish it in one year that would be May 2010. The house is for my Mom , 2 brothers and my beloved pets Maxine, Pinky and Elmo and soon to the family of my own...but my Mom will stay with me. :)

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